Friday, April 17, 2020

Assignment 26A – Celebrating Failure

Quotes about Failures (532 quotes)'s hard for me to even type that word out. I really dislike when I fail. I am a perfectionist by nature so it's upsetting when I do not succeed. Although, as I've gotten older (and failed many times over the years), I've come to terms with the fact that failure is a part of life. I still don't like it, but I accept that it's bound to happen. Still, that doesn't make it easy.

As I reflect over this past semester, one specific failure comes to mind. It's the fact that I failed to put myself out there with the "Elevator Pitch" assignment. I have always had a fear of public speaking and really dislike putting myself out there to potentially be criticized. I actually attempted the assignment, but I disliked my pitch so much that I chose not to post it. I really regret that decision, not because it will lower my grade, but because I gave in to my fears instead of pushing myself to overcome them. I can't change that decision now, but going forward, I will push myself harder to overcome my fears and step outside my comfort zone.

This semester I've learned that we can change the way we view failure. Instead of seeing failure as a bad thing, we should view our failures at learning experiences. From now on when I fail, I am going to try to see what lessons I can take from those experiences and learn and grow from them. I think this attitude about failure will definitely help me to take more risks in the future. The key takeaway I learned from my failure this semester is that failing while trying to do something is so much better that failing to try.


  1. Hi Kindra,
    I do have to admit that the elevator pitches also made me uncomfortable. The thought of hundreds of people in this class having access to a video of myself seemed daunting. However, after completing the assignment I was able to see the value in it. I think it is good that you have a new perspective on failure because we cannot help that we are all human. I hope you use it to not be afraid to try things in the future.

  2. As someone who is used to speaking in public and running meetings, I also found the elevator pitch to be a very uncomfortable assignment. I think there is a lot to be said about being in public and being able to laugh off a mistake or humanize yourself in front of your audience based on their response. This is not the same as someone watching your video cold turkey! I think your idea summed up is in order to fail you must try, if you don’t try you don’t fail, but you also don’t have the possibility of being successful!
