Friday, March 20, 2020

Assignment 18A – Create a Customer Avatar


"30-Something Mother of 3 Who Drives an SUV"


As you can see from the photos, the image I've developed of my prototypical customer is a mom with young kids. She typically wears yoga pants, sunglasses on the top of her head, she drives an SUV, and is completely exhausted most of the time. She has a college degree, but is currently staying home taking care of her little ones. She has 2 to 4 children. She needs coffee to give her the energy to get through her day. She puts on workout clothes in the morning because she plans to workout, but usually doesn't have time. She loves shows like Friends and Gilmore Girls. She strives to be a "supermom" doing everything she can to make sure her kids have a happy childhood. She is involved in all of her kids school and extracurricular activities. She has piles of laundry to do everyday and spends the majority of her time at home in the kitchen cooking nutritious meals for her family. Coffee is life for her and is the fuel that gets her through this exhausting phase of her life.

I have a lot in common with this avatar, which is probably why I selected this demographic. I'm an exhausted stay-at-home mom with 4 kids, and many of my friends are stay-at-home moms with multiple kids. Because I can identify with this demographic, I understand the things they like and the things they find essential, like coffee. Having conversations with my mom friends about their need for coffee and desire to have a local coffee shop is what lead me to my business idea of opening a coffee shop in our town.


  1. Hi Kindra,
    I really like your post because you took a unique approach to it. Instead of creating one stereotypical customer, you created an almost mood board that allowed for a range of people to fall under but also created a general niche. I do agree that your service would be most beneficial and utilized by this category of people. Keep up the good work.

  2. Hi Kindra! I really like how you drew from personal experience to create your avatar. You presented all the valid reasons a coffee shop is needed in your town, and the prototypical segment you are trying to cater to. I also loved all the visual images you provided, so that you can completely visualize your potential business and who you would be interacting with day to day.

  3. Hey Kindra,

    Great job! I love how you used pictures to build out a clear mental image of your avatar. I also liked the information you gave about your avatar. I can tell that she is someone who is very busy! It's also great that you have so much in common with your avatar. This is essential to connecting and understanding your customer.
