Thursday, January 30, 2020

Assignment 3A - Your Entrepreneurship Story

Hand, Business Plan, Business, Designer, Design

My Entrepreneurship Story

I have had some experience with entrepreneurship in my life. Right out of high school, I had the opportunity to work in the office of a small business who leased farm equipment. That was my first taste of the business world, and my first experience with someone who owned their own business. I worked there for a few months and witnessed some of the successes and challenges that they faced. About five years ago, my dad had grown tired of working for others and decided to open his own auto repair business. I have helped him with some of the administrative and financial parts of his business for the past few years. I have seen how his business has grown in those years, but I have also witnessed how hard he has to work in order to be successful. My husband also has his own computer repair business that he does part-time as a side job. Personally, due to my experiences, I am not someone who would ever want to run my own business. It takes so much time and effort and would only be worth it if I was super passionate about what my business was doing. Entrepreneurship is definitely not for those who want an easy or low-stress life.

I am enrolled in ENT3003 because it is a requirement for my business degree, but I hope to learn some things that will benefit me and my family members who run their own businesses. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kindra!

    It's so cool how many entrepreneurial experiences you've already been exposed to! Having to work under people who have started their own businesses, you've seen both the struggles and opportunities for a startup. I definately agree with your point about needing passion to start a business. The time, money and effort that goes into running one's own business is a serious matter. If you truly have a dream project then you should pursue it, however starting a business from scratch with half a heart, won't work out in the long run. Overall, very insightful and thorough post!
